The Most Frequently Asked Questions at YAT.
This is where we can generally answer all your questions about YAT, Toastmasters International and any other questions that are frequently asked by members/guests.

So, what IS Toastmasters?
The Toastmasters International (TMI) is a massive non-profit educational organisation that focuses on developing key traits of an individual. Joining the program will help develop the following:
The ability to speak effectively and efficiently
The ability to take on responsibilities and become a leader
This is done through the Pathways learning experience, which is an exciting, flexible and interactive educational program which offers:
The opportunity to build up to 300 unique competencies
6 specialised learning paths to choose from (previously were 11)
Online content, so that you can learn anytime and anywhere
Real-world, transferable skills

What is Toastmasters beneficial for?
It is beneficial for…
Those seeking to improve their speaking skills, basic and advanced. This is key in career fields where speaking is a must (i.e. – Retail & Marketing)
Those seeking to build confidence while they speak or make decisions
Those seeking to learn and grow as leaders (ideal for managers, consultants, etc.)
Those seeking to learn evaluation and analytical skills
Interested yet? Join the program!

​But why YAT?
Our club was created for individuals who were interested in the program within the age group of 18 to 35. Our club members are a bunch of diverse odd balls who are vibrant, geeky, weird, funny, rowdy and all around eager to make new friends and have voices that need to be heard! We have a family type community within YAT, where our members treat each other like newly found siblings. We are extremely supportive of our YAT family members and try to help them with whatever their toastmaster related dreams are. If you do not fit in this age criteria, frit not, exemptions can always be made!
But overall, it is our club’s atmosphere and attitude towards achieving the very best of the best, following the necessary discipline to become effective speakers and leaders, while maintaining the essence that is YAT, being young, fun and free.

Could you explain how the speeches help? What sort of topics does the club cover?
Performing speeches is part of communication skills development of the TMI program that focuses on honing your speaking skills. They consist of ‘projects’ that a club member must undertake which requires that they meet certain objectives to pass this ‘project’. These objectives include using body language, implement previous feedback, or motivation. Our members come up with their own speech topics, and they pass according to whether or not they meet the objectives per project. If you would like to watch an example of speeches done by our members, please visit our youtube channel –
And the leadership aspect of the program?
The leadership aspect of the program is covered through the overall flow and operations of the club meeting. During a meeting, there are several functionary roles such as timers, grammarians, etc., which require members to take up responsibility and lead the way for the meeting. The club is managed by club members who are elected by the club to oversee and ensure that everything is kept to standard. More details of the functionaries and the club management roles will be given in the CLUB ROLES section of this FAQ.
How long is each meeting and how often does your club meet?
Our meetings are usually from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM and we meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Due to national holidays, etc. we might move the date accordingly. Sometimes, if it is a special meeting; the meeting time might be extended a few more minutes. If you’re still confused, contact us and we'll sort you out!
What is the dress code for the club meetings?
Formal. Every club meeting may incorporate a theme which would allow you to incorporate accessories to strut your creativeness like a mask, a hat, or even a cape!
Ask a club officer or go to our Facebook page to check in on our themed meetings!
But when in doubt, come always in formal wear!
Dress to impress, like the leader you are!
Alright, you’ve peaked my interest in visiting! How can I?
Hi potential YATter! If you would like to join our meeting, contact us and leave your name and mobile number. One of our club officers will then contact you.
Okay, I’m sold! I’m interested in joining! What are the next steps?
Hello potential YATter!
If you are happy with the club and would like to join as a member, speak to a club member. They will direct you to the Membership officer (Vice President Membership). You will be provided with an official TMI membership registration form to fill out. Handover the completed form and the required membership fee to the Membership officer and you will be a registered as a member of YAT!
The membership fee is BD 96 annually, paid at an interval of BD 48 every six months according to the club’s annual term (starting in July, ending in June the next year). There will be an additional one time registration fee of BD 8 for first time members. The club belongs to Toastmasters International which is a non-profit organisation and requires this fund to pay for your registration, educational materials, and club expenses.
Upon registration, you will be inducted into the club through a prestigious ceremony and you will be guided and informed in deeper detail of your toastmaster journey!
Meeting Roles
During every meeting, there are roles that need to be undertaken by members to ensure that the meeting is successful. Each role is necessary and essential to a meeting. The roles and their descriptions are as follows:
Ah Counter – a designated leader who counts every pause filler and crutch words that are used within a speech, a role and the overall meeting. Pause or gap fillers are words that are used during our talks to prolong the topic, such as ‘erm’, ‘umm’ and ‘ah’, etc. Crutch words are words used while we speak that don’t necessarily have meaning to the context of our speech, however, are used to repeatedly, such as ‘and’, ‘basically’, ‘you know’, ‘yanni’, etc. The purpose of this role is to encourage members to reduce their pause fillers and improve their flow and efficiency of speech. The club charges BD 0.025 to any member using a pause filler. The collected funds will be deposited into the club’s account to help pay for small expenses. Don’t worry, guests are exempt from payment!
Timer – a leader who monitors the time for each speech, evaluation and the overall duration of the meeting. This helps members learn how to manage time and be adept at performing the best within a fixed time limit.
Grammarian – a leader who monitors the grammar used within the meeting by each speaker. They note any misuse of words, and encourages members to be articulate and accentuate their speeches and encourage the usage of quotes. The role leader also introduces the word of the day, of which when introduced to the club, must encourage the members to utilize the word of the day during the meeting.
Master of Ceremonies (MC) – a leader who will take the responsibility of leading the meeting’s operations of the night. His/her role includes introducing the theme of the meeting, introducing and welcoming all speakers, role-takers, etc. This is a prestigious role and requires training before the role must be taken on by members. Taking this role will encourage members to utilize active listening skills and to be friendly, charismatic and motivating. All aspects needed to become a leader!
Were You Listening? – a leader who notes down details that one might miss during the meeting. During this session, the host asks audience questions based on events or things that have been said or done during the meeting to see if audience were in fact listening and paying attention!
Table Topics Master – a leader who calls upon members of the audience (either club members or guests) to speak on the stage for 1 to 2 minutes on a topic provided by the Table Topics master. This role encourages members to gain confidence and the ability to think and speak on the spot.
Evaluator – a leader who evaluates the speeches given during the meeting. The objective is to praise the speaker, but also give constructive feedback to ensure the speaker learns and improves at every level. There is always room for improvement!
General Evaluator (GE) – a leader who evaluates the overall meeting and provides possible feedback on improvements that should or can be made.

The Executive Committee (EXCOM) are a group of members that are elected to oversee and manage the overall operations of the club for each club term. They themselves are elected by the club every term. The roles of each position are as follows:
The President’s role is to be the face and heart of the club. Every club meeting is opened and closed by the President. The role also consists of overseeing and providing the roads between each executive committee member to ensure teamwork. This is vital to achieve the goals and standards that the club has to meet every term.

In charge of club finances. The treasurer ensures that all members pay their necessary annual fees, and issues financial reports and budgets for use of the executive committee.

Vice President of Education (VPE)
In charge of organising all club meetings, designation of roles and ensuring every member is doing progress on their educational manuals. The VPE also maintains the overall objective of the DCP (Distinguished Club Program).

In charge of taking the minutes of each meeting and all records of the club during the term . The secretary is the official record keeper of the club.

Vice President of Membership (VPM)
In charge of bringing potential members to the join the club, handling all necessary paperwork and fees. The VPM is also in charge of heading every induction ceremony and and ensuring a strong membership base by satisfying the needs of all members.

Sergeant at Arms
(S@A or SAA)
In charge of preparing the club for each meeting and ensuring everything is properly closed after the meeting. Maintains the club inventory and refreshments roster for the club. The S@A ensures the club runs smoothly and on time.

Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR)
In charge of organising every relating to the club’s image, which includes social media, the club website and the quarterly newsletter called the VOX (Latin for “the Voice”).